Thursday, February 22, 2018

Don't Make Me Think!

Don’t Make Me Think Review

            A book like Don’t Make Me Think, is the type of book you do not know you need until you read it. To be completely honest after reading the summary for Steve Krug’s, Don’t Make Me Think, I felt as if reading the book would add little to no value to my life or work. I assumed the book would be filled with a bunch of facts and tips that I “already” knew, but my experience was the complete opposite. Reading this book taught me an exceptional amount when it came down to making my website user friendly. Upon the ending of this book I realized I had learned everything I didn’t know I needed to know.  At this point in my college career, I cannot decide between being a reporter or working in digital media, but Don’t Make Me Think somehow automatically made me so much better in each field. Every little tip and trick in this book gave me the tools needed to be the journalist I have always aspired to be.
While reading Steve Krug’s, Don’t Make Me Think there were a few tips in particular on having an easy-to-use website that stuck out to me. For example, in chapter five, I learned about the importance of getting rid of needless words. While getting rid of “needless words” might sound obvious, it was not until I went and looked at my own website, where I quickly realized I had an excessive amount of needless words. In the book Krug says, “Happy talk is like small talk—content-free, basically just a way to be sociable. But most Web users don’t have time for small talk; they want to get right to the point. You can—and should—eliminate as much happy talk as possible” (Krug 50). After reading this excerpt I realized a lot of what was on my website was less of me and my content and more of me trying to tell people why they should stay and watch my content. I always thought keeping your writing brief and straight to the point only applied while writing research papers or while on twitter, but this chapter showed me its importance even on websites.
A few other tips from Don’t Make Me Think that I found to be useful was the chapter on Designing Navigation. This chapter taught me the importance of making any website as rudimentary as possible. So, even if your audience is in their mid 40’s they should not have to think twice about clicking on a tab while, for example, trying to find your contact information. This chapter was another chapter that seemed evident at first, but quickly became a reference to making my own personal website better. Lastly, actually testing a website on how user-friendly it is, is another tip from this book that I found to be very helpful in creating and up keeping a successful website.
I truly did enjoy reading Don’t Make Me Think. The short length of this book made for an enjoyable, but straight to the point read. My new-found knowledge from this book will have my personal website and blog off to great starts!

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Oh Puppy!

Hello everyone!

          So this week has been pretty exciting! All week I have had the honor of puppy-sitting my mom's 8-week-old pup Laney. By the way  I am a HUGE dog lover. Ok so before my mom brought Laney I could not wait! I was expecting to have cuddle time like all day everyday, maybe feed her with a little bottle, and then have more cuddles, but this only lasted for like a day. When Laney got here she wanted to be everywhere and in everything! Guys I have never seen a little teacup puppy move so fast across the floor. On top of her running wild, she had to eat every little piece of anything that was on the floor! I learned rather quickly that watching her for the remainder of the week would not be an easy task. As the week progressed she slowly got accustomed to my school schedule as well as my own dog, Saasha. Saasha, being on the older side, definitely wanted nothing to do with the little lighting bolt of a puppy for the entire week, but managed to tolerate her. Despite Laney keeping me on my toes, I couldn't wait to come home to all her little energy everyday. Overall my time with Laney was sweet, despite how tiny she is she gave some pretty great cuddles. Happy Thursday everyone!
Love and Peace,
Yazmyn Armoni

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

First and Last Encounters

Hello all,

       So today while walking to class I ran into a friend that I hadn't spoken to since my freshman year at UF. We automatically clicked, just like we had when we first met. We wondered how so much time managed to fly by (1 year and some months to be exact) in what felt like a week or maybe a month. After speaking with my long lost friend I couldn't help but to think about the friendships I have created and fostered while in college and their very existence after graduation. I wanted to know which friends would I stay in contact with until my dying days and which ones would I only see through FaceBook or Instagram. Living in the same city is one thing, but what happens when my close friends and I no longer are living in the same state or even country!

Maybe I am over exaggerating, but these are things that run through my mind. I needed to know right then and there friends that were to stay and those that definitely wouldn't last past college.

*Disclaimer: I know there is no way on Earth for me to know who I will remain friends with and who I'm going to fall off with...BUT it's me were talking about so you know I'm gonna try. *

So I compiled a nice list of friends ranging from mere associates who I occasionally grab lunch with to my closest friends. Of course because I am no physic I didn't get very far, but I did learn one thing.


I have great friends that I have had since middle and high school, but back then I had more time to merge with people. Nowadays I am so busy with school, starting my career, working, my love life, etc, etc. I simply can't find any time to sit and continue to grow relationships with my friends that I have now. I want my friendships to flourish and that is going to take me MAKING TIME for the people I know I want to be in my life 5 or 10 years from now.

Guys, graduation is going to come is so important that you don't lose sight of one important factor of college and that is FRIENDSHIPS. Talk a little longer with people, hug a little tighter (that might be weird, but hey!). While graduating and getting a degree is our number one goal, growing friendships....genuine friendships has to be second.
Love you all.

       Yazmyn Armoni

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Today Was A Lovely Day.

Today was indeed a good day.

     I went to class, I went home, ate some Roman, watched my favorite Netflix show, did some homework, and called it a night.

Don't get me wrong, my days are usually pretty good, but equally hectic. I often find myself jetting from class, to work, to a meeting way back on campus, and back home to the gym, and don't let me forget doing homework right before I go to sleep. I sometimes feel like I am being pulled in a million different directions...but that's college right?

I do enjoy being busy, but quite frankly I'd like to know when being busy becomes being too busy.

I definitely give myself free time, but it's not always at the best times. I have this bad habit of stopping everything and doing absolutely nothing during times when I should still be doing things. I know this sounds bizarre, but I really do find myself doing this at times. When I get into my moods of not wanting to do anything (like any other human)... I simply don't...well let me rephrase that I don't do them right away. Iadulting and I'm all here for it. Pray for me guys lol.
honestly make matters worst for myself by pushing the tasks off to the very last minute. I know I can't be the only one with this problem. I think learning how to juggle life itself as you get older is definitely a part of what most like to call

Peace and Love,

       Yazmyn Armoni.

Friday, February 2, 2018

Don't Miss Your Ship

Hello all,

      So for starters the ending of my last semester went very well. I turned 21 and went to more 21st birthday parties than I can remember, but it was truly unforgettable. While I had a great time going out I am almost certain that I am quickly growing out of my partying days. Nowadays if I go to a party, I'm ready to exit stage left (leave) after the first 20 minutes of being there. I think I am growing into my old lady ways a wee bit earlier than most. But I'm not complaining. Change is definitely good. 

I used to fear change, heck, I still fear change, but I am proud to say I have stopped myself from shying away from it. Believe me, when it is time for something in your life to be changed or altered, it will happen with or without your approval. So, I try to always be on makes the process easier. I remember how afraid I was when I was 15 or 16 about aging and leaving home. While some people were counting down the days until they could leave for college...I was crying in my room wishing time would freeze.

It wasn't until maybe the age of 17 when I realized that everyone's life was a series of journeys that had to be undergone in order to grow and prosper. While the thought of getting older and being an adult stirred fear in me, the thought of not prospering and blooming brought pain and despair to me. I knew after coming to that conclusion that I'd always welcome change. I finally understood that if I didn't accept change my ship would sail on into the sunset without me.

Since then I've yet to allow any ship of my mine to sail on without me. Guys when it's your time for ready and seize the opportunity, you'll be fine. 

           Love and Peace, Yazmyn Armoni