So today while walking to class I ran into a friend that I hadn't spoken to since my freshman year at UF. We automatically clicked, just like we had when we first met. We wondered how so much time managed to fly by (1 year and some months to be exact) in what felt like a week or maybe a month. After speaking with my long lost friend I couldn't help but to think about the friendships I have created and fostered while in college and their very existence after graduation. I wanted to know which friends would I stay in contact with until my dying days and which ones would I only see through FaceBook or Instagram. Living in the same city is one thing, but what happens when my close friends and I no longer are living in the same state or even country!
Maybe I am over exaggerating, but these are things that run through my mind. I needed to know right then and there friends that were to stay and those that definitely wouldn't last past college.

*Disclaimer: I know there is no way on Earth for me to know who I will remain friends with and who I'm going to fall off with...BUT it's me were talking about so you know I'm gonna try. *
So I compiled a nice list of friends ranging from mere associates who I occasionally grab lunch with to my closest friends. Of course because I am no physic I didn't get very far, but I did learn one thing.

I have great friends that I have had since middle and high school, but back then I had more time to merge with people. Nowadays I am so busy with school, starting my career, working, my love life, etc, etc. I simply can't find any time to sit and continue to grow relationships with my friends that I have now. I want my friendships to flourish and that is going to take me MAKING TIME for the people I know I want to be in my life 5 or 10 years from now.
Guys, graduation is going to come is so important that you don't lose sight of one important factor of college and that is FRIENDSHIPS. Talk a little longer with people, hug a little tighter (that might be weird, but hey!). While graduating and getting a degree is our number one goal, growing friendships....genuine friendships has to be second.
Love you all.
Yazmyn Armoni
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